Friday, 16 November 2007

Parish Anniversary celebrations

It has been a very busy morning in the office, preparing for this Sunday's celebration of the 120th anniversary of the parish. We are having a guest preacher, The Revd George Nairn Briggs who used to be curate here and went on to be Dean of Wakefield Cathedral. Following the service there is going to be a reception where other guests (including local representatives from other faiths) will be giving speeches, before we have lunch together.

At the moment the printer is churning away, producing the service sheets (which I shall be folding after lunch!). The flower ladies are in, making the church look beautiful; microphones have been checked; our gardener, Julie, has been tidying the flower borders and sweeping up leaves.

The menu has been arranged, and 'the team' will be in bright and early on Sunday to start cooking. The wine and glasses are due to arrive this afternoon.

I have checked stock of all those things that always run out at the most inopportune moments, such as photocopier toner, batteries for the microphones, giving envelopes etc. No doubt there will be something I haven't thought of!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Never post in haste ....

Our choir are indeed back, but of course it was The Lambeth Singers who treated us to a wonderful evening for All Saints - oops!