This week we’ve responded to the statement from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York by following their advice to suspend the administration of the chalice at the Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament is being administered in one kind only, and we will receive the Host (consecrated bread) in our hands. More details were handed out yesterday, and spare information sheets covering questions about this are at the back of church. Suffice it to say here that theologically it makes no difference and we have fully received communion in this way. Meanwhile, our prayers are with those who are affected by illness at this time.
On a lighter note (pun intended!) there’s a chance to vote for possible replacement panels which will be installed in church as part of the new lighting scheme. There are “mock ups” of two of the alternatives in church now to help us decide. I quite like the shiny one, but keep changing my mind!
From now until the end of August, weekday masses will be on Tuesdays (7.30pm) and Wednesdays (10.30am, followed by coffee). The next healing mass will be on Tuesday 4 August, and the next choral evensong on 6 September (no Sunday evening prayer during August).
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