Hello, poor little blog. Sorry I've been neglecting you recently. It's nothing personal, just that the office has been very busy, and very hot, but I'm determined not to moan about the weather bearing in mind we didn't really get a summer at all last year!
Weekday mass times are 7.30pm on Tuesdays and 10.30am on Wednesdays during August, and we'll try to have the Lady Chapel open as often as possible for a 'quiet space' amidst the noise and bustle of Catford.
The next healing mass (with laying-on of hands and anointing for those who desire) will be next Tuesday, 3 August at 7.30pm. This is a beautiful, quiet service in the Lady Chapel lasting about half an hour and is a great introduction to the Church's ministry of wholeness and healing, so do come along if you'd like to find out more.
In the main church, we are hosting the Mothers' Union deanery service on Tuesday 10 August at 8pm. You don't need to be a member - or a mother - to come along!
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